Publications en lien avec l’action Gphys :
- Stability of de Sitter spacetime against infrared quantum scalar field fluctuations, G. Moreau et J. Serreau, soumis à Phys. Rev. Lett. (2018)
- Backreaction of superhorizon scalar field fluctuations on a de Sitter geometry : a renormalisation group perspective, G. Moreau et J. Serreau, soumis à Phys. Rev. D (2018)
- Neutrino astrophysics and its connections to nuclear physics, M. C. Volpe, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1056 (2018) 012060
- Neutrino propagation in binary neutron star mergers in presence of nonstandard interactions, A. Chatelain et M. C. Volpe, Phys. Rev. D 97 (2018) 023014
- What can we learn on supernova neutrino spectra with water Cherenkov detectors ?, A. Gallo Rosso, F. Vissani et M. C. Volpe, JCAP 1804 (2018) 040
- Late time supernova neutrino signal and proto-neutron star radius, A. Gallo Rosso, S. Abbar, F. Vissani et M. C. Volpe, à paraître dans JCAP (2018)
- On fast neutrino flavor conversion modes in the nonlinear regime, S. Abbar et M. C. Volpe, soumis à Phys. Lett. B (2018)
- Improving timing sensitivity in the microhertz frequency regime : limits from PSR J1713+0747 on gravitational waves produced by supermassive black hole binaries, B. B. P. Perera et al., MNRAS 478 (2018) 21
- Studying the Solar system with the International Pulsar Timing Array, R. N. Caballero et al., MNRAS 481 (2018) 5501
- Tests of gravitational symmetries with pulsar binary J1713+0747, W. W. Zhu et al., MNRAS 482 (2018) 3249
- PSR J1618−3921 : a recycled pulsar in an eccentric orbit, F. Octau et al., A&A 612 (2018) 78
- Gaia Data Release 2 : Observations of solar system objects, F. Spoto et al., A&A 616 (2018) A13
- Short arc orbit determination and imminent impactors in the Gaia era, F. Spoto et al., A&A 614 (2018) A27
- On the maximum mass of magnetized white dwarfs
D. Chatterjee et al., Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc. 469 (2017) no.1, 95-109 - Maximum a posteriori estimation through simulated annealing for binary asteroid orbit determination, I. Kovalenko et al, MNRASS
471,4637 (2017) - Hyperons in hot dense matter : what do the constraints tell us for equation of state ?, M. Fortin, M. Oertel, C. Providência, arXiv:1711.09427
- New temperature dependent hyperonic equation of state : Application to rotating neutron star models and I-Q relations, Miguel Marques, Micaela Oertel, Matthias Hempel , Jérôme Novak. Phys.Rev. C96 (2017) no.4, 045806
- Petit, A. C. ; Laskar, J. ; Boué, G. : 2017, AMD-stability in the presence of first-order mean motion resonances A&A, 670, A35
- Laskar, J., Petit, A. : 2017, AMD-stability and the organisation of planetary systems. A&A,605, A72
- A. Chatelain, C. Volpe, Helicity coherence in binary neutron star mergers and non-linear feedback, Phys.Rev. D95 (2017) no.4, 043005
- M. Frensel, M.Wu, C. Volpe, A. Perego, Neutrino Flavor Evolution in Binary Neutron Star Merger Remnants, Phys.Rev. D95 (2017) no.2, 023011
- Amélie Chatelain, Maria Cristina Volpe, Neutrino propagation in binary neutron star mergers in presence of non-standard interactions, arXiv:1710.11518 .
- Andrea Gallo Rosso, Francesco Vissani, Maria Cristina Volpe : Measuring the neutron star compactness and binding energy with supernova neutrinos,JCAP 1711 (2017) no.11, 036
- Global numerical simulations of the rise of vortex-mediated pulsar glitches in full general relativity, Sourie et al, MNRAS 464 (2017) 4641
- The Outer Solar System Origins Survey. I. Design and First-quarter Discoveries, M. Bannister et al, The Astronomical Journal 152, 70 (2016)
- I. Ya. Aref’eva, A. A. Golubtsova, & E. Gourgoulhon Analytic black branes in Lifshitz-like backgrounds and thermalization, Journal of High Energy Physics 09(2016), 142 (2016)
- 21 year timing of the black-widow pulsar J2051-0827, Shaifullah, G. et al 2016, MNRAS 462, 1029
- Numerical models for stationary superfluid neutron stars in general relativity with realistic equations of state, Sourie et al, Phys. Rev. D 93 (2016) no.8, 083004
- A glitch in the millisecond pulsar J0613-0200, McKee, J. et al 2016, MNRAS 461, 2809
- A millisecond pulsar in an extremely wide binary system, Bassa, C. et al 2016, MNRAS 460, 2207
- The noise properties of 42 millisecond pulsars from the European Pulsar Timing Array and their impact on gravitational-wave searches, Caballero et al 2016, MNRAS 457, 4421
- High-precision timing of 42 millisecond pulsars with the European Pulsar Timing Array, Desvignes et al 2016, MNRAS in press, arXiv:1602.08511
- From Spin Noise to Systematics : Stochastic Processes in the First International Pulsar Timing Array Data Release, Lentati et al 2016, MNRAS 458, 2161
- The International Pulsar Timing Array : First Data Release, Verbiest et al 2016, MNRAS 458, 1267
- European Pulsar Timing Array limits on continuous gravitational waves from individual supermassive black hole binaries, Babak et al 2016, MNRAS 455, 1665
- Single-Source Gravitational Wave Limits From the J1713+0747 24-hr Global Campaign, Dolch et al 2016, Journal of Physics : Conference Series, Volume 716, Issue 1, article id. 012014
- Nonperturbative renormalization group for scalar fields in de Sitter space : beyond
the local potential approximation, M. Guilleux and J. Serreau, arxiv : 1611.08106 - The nonperturbative renormalization group for quantum field theory in de Sitter
space, M. Guilleux, PhD Thesis, HAL Id : tel-01399798 - Neutrino flavor evolution in a binary neutron star merger remnants, Frensel et al, arXiv:1607.05938.
- Helicity coherence in binary neutron star mergers and non-linear feedback, Chatelain and Volpe, arXiv:1611.01862.
- Lorentz symmetry and Very Long Baseline Interferometry, Le Poncin-Lafitte et al, arxiv:1604.01663.
- Testing Lorentz symmetry with Lunar Laser Ranging, Bourgoin et al Phys. Rev. Lett. 117 (2016) 241301
- Tests of Lorentz symmetry in the gravitational sector, Hees et al, Universe 2016, 2(4), 30 ; doi:10.3390/universe2040030
- Constraints on SME Coefficients from Lunar Laser Ranging, Very Long Baseline Interferometry, and Asteroid Orbital Dynamics, Le Poincin-Lafitte et al, arxiv:1607.07394
- Constraints on the location of a
possible 9th planet derived from the Cassini data, Fienga et al , 2016, Astronomy and Astrophysics 587, L8
- Consistent neutron star models with magnetic field dependent equations of state D. Chatterjee et al., MNRAS 447 (2015) 3785
- Test of the gravitational redshift with
stable clocks in eccentric orbits : application to Galileo satellites 5 and 6., P. Delva et al., Class. Quantum Grav. 32, 232003 (2015). - Testing Lorentz symmetry with planetary orbital dynamics, A. Hees et al., Phys. Rev. D 92 (2015)
- Quantum scalar fields in de Sitter space from the nonperturbative
renormalization group, M. Guilleux and J. Serreau, Phys. Rev. D92 (2015) 084010.
064049. - Scalar field correlator in de Sitter space at next-to-leading order in a
1/N expansion, F. Gautier and J. Serreau, Phys. Rev. D92 (2015) 105035. - European Pulsar Timing Array limits on an isotropic stochastic gravitational- wave background, L. Lentati et al, MNRAS 453 (2015) 2576.
- Limits on Anisotropy in the Nanohertz Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background,R.S. Taylor et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115 (2015) 041101.