Journée GPhys 2017
Lundi 19 juin 2017,
Salle de Conférence du château
Observatoire de Meudon
All talks are 15+5 minutes
09:20 welcome
Strong field gravity
- 9h30 Thibaut Paumard (LESIA) GRAVITY : status update and first science results
- 9h50 Marion Grould (LUTH) General relativistic effects on the orbit of the S2 star with GRAVITY
- 10h10 Odele Straub (LESIA) Sgr A* : How massive is it really ?
- 10h30 Ilia Musco (LUTH) Trapping horizon dynamics in black hole collapse
10h50 Coffee break
Strong field gravity and gravitational waves
- 11h20 Félix Julié (APC) Two-body problem in Scalar-Tensor theories as a deformation of General Relativity : an Effective-One-Body approach
- 11h40 Anastasia Golubtsova (JINR DUBNA/LUTH) On gravity duals of hot QCD
- 12h00 Nicola Tamanini (APC) Cosmologie avec LISA : sirènes standard
- 12h20 Joseph Martino (APC) LISA and LISA Pathfinder
12h40 Lunch break
Compact objects
- 14h00 Aurélien Sourie (LUTH) Pulsar glitches in full general relativity
- 14h20 Floriane Cangemi (USN/LUTH) Caractérisation du système PSR 0751+1807 : mesures des masses et des effets post-képlériens
- 14h40 Frédéric Vincent (LESIA) Accurate spectra from rotating neutron star atmospheres
- 15h00 Amélie Chatelain (APC) Helicity coherence in binary neutron star mergers and non-linear feedback
- 15h20 Philippe Grandclément (LUTH) Photons at rest around boson stars
15h40 Coffee break
Weak field gravity
- 16h10 Pacôme Delva (SYRTE) Test of Special Relativity Using a Fiber Network of Optical Clocks
- 16h30 Christophe Le Poncin-Lafitte (SYRTE) Tests of Lorentz Symmetry in the Gravitational Sector
- 16h50 Azer Trimèche (SYRTE) AtoM Interferometry dual Gravi-GradiOmeter AMIGGO, from capability demonstrations in laboratory to space missions
17h10 End