Journée GPhys 2016
Mercredi 6 juillet 2016,
Salle Luc Valentin - 454A
4ieme etage du Batiment Condorcet
10 rue Alice Domont et Leonie Duquet
75013 Paris
All talks are 15+5 minutes
09:20 welcome
Strong field gravity
- 9:30 : Fréderic Vincent (LESIA) Comparing images of Kerr and hairy black holes — the case of Sgr A*
- 9:50 : Odele Straub (LESIA) A unifying model for quasi-periodic oscillations in X-ray binaries
- 10:10 : Ilia Musco (LUTH) Causal nature and dynamics of trapping horizons in black hole collapse
- 10:30 : Grégoire Martinon (LUTH) Geons in asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetimes
- 10:50 : Maxime Guilleux (APC) Nonperturbative renormalization group for quantum scalar fields in de Sitter space
11:10 - 11:40 Coffee break
Gravitational waves
- 11:40 : Matteo Tacca (APC) How to measure a distance of one thousandth of the proton diameter ? The detection of gravitational waves
- 12:00 : Antoine Petiteau (APC) First results of the LISAPathfinder mission
- 12:20 : Mauro Pieroni (APC) Primordial GW from pseudoscalar inflation
12:40 - 14:00 Lunch
Compact objects
- 14:00 : Alexandre Le Tiec (LUTH) Orbital dynamics of eccentric compact binaries
- 14:20 : Zakaria Meliani (LUTH) Accretion disc and orbits around Boson stars
- 14:40 : Miguel Marques (LUTH) Relativistic rotating stars with hot matter
- 15:00 : Amélie Chatelain (APC) Neutrino flavor conversions in astrophysical environments
- 15:20 : Guillaume Voisin (LUTH) Last news of the pulsar in a triple system J0337+1755 as seen from Nançay
15:40 - 16:10 Coffee break
Weak field gravity
- 16:10 : Denis Savoie (SYRTE) Cold atom gyroscope with 1 nrad/s stability
- 16:30 : Christophe Le Poncin-Lafitte (SYRTE)SME constraints with Asteroid, VLBI and LLR
- 16:50 : Eva Bookjans (SYRTE) Sr optical lattice clocks
- 17:10 : Peter Wolf (SYRTE) Searching for an oscillating massive scalar field as a dark matter candidate using atomic hyperfine frequency comparisons
17:30 End