Journée GPhys 2015
Lundi 6 juillet 2015, amphi de l’IAP, Paris
All talks are 15+5 minutes
09:30 welcome
Gravitational waves
- 09:40 Antoine Lassus (MPI für Radioastronomie/USN) : Gravitational Waves with Pulsar Timing Arrays
- 10:00 Antoine Petiteau (APC) : LISA Pathfinder
- 10:20 Henri Inchauspe (APC) : eLISA satellites attitude control
- 10:40 Pierre Gruning (APC) : LISA On Table :opto-electronic simulator for eLISA
- 11:00 Remi Geiger (SYRTE) : MIGA (Matter wave laser interferometric gravitation antenna)
11:20 café
Weak field gravity
- 11:50 Christophe Le Poncin-Lafitte (SYRTE) : Local tests of gravitation with asteroids and the data of Gaia
- 12:10 Pacôme Delva (SYRTE) : Test of the gravitational redshift with satellites Galileo 6 and 7
- 12:30 Matthias Lopez (SYRTE) : The Forca-G experiment
- 12:50 Mehdi Langlois (SYRTE) : Gravity gradiometer using large momentum transfer beam splitters
13h10 lunch
Strong field gravity
- 14:30 Fréderic Vincent (LESIA) : Imaging the accretion flow around Sgr A* with near-future interferometric data
- 14:50 Marion Grould (LESIA) : How can we test the General Relativity with the future GRAVITY data
- 15:10 Laura Bernard (IAP) : Equations of motion of compact binaries at the fourth post-Newtonian order
- 15:30 Enrico Barausse (IAP) : Why bother about strong-field gravity ? The example of Lorentz-violating gravity theories
- 15:50 Grégoire Martinon (LUTH) : Geons in asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetimes
16h10 café
Compact objects
- 16:40 Aurélien Sourie (LUTH) : Numerical models for superfluid neutron stars and application to pulsar glitches
- 17:00 Miguel Marques (LUTH) : Relativistic rotating stars with hot matter
- 17:20 Guillaume Voisin (LUTH/USN) : First results from the Nançay timing of the pulsar in the triple system J0337+1715
17:40 end